Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Quality of a Student

Quality of a GOOD Student
As a teacher I always read or hear about the quality of a teacher is important. Trust me when I say that I agree 100% that the quality of a teacher is essential to a student’s education. However, I also believe that the quality of a student is just as significant. With that being said I would like to address the qualities of a good student.

1. Attitude:
The mindset of a student is very important. Parents must instill in their children the value of an education. Once a student understands the importance of an education the more likely it will become for them to illustrate their capability and willingness to learn.

2. Self-Discipline:
I once heard an athletic coach tell the players on his team that discipline from others happens when you have no self-control. This is true when it comes to athletics as well as academics. Self-discipline offsets negativity and provides a good student with the skills to attain goals. Strategies like time-management, organizational skills, and fortitude will not count for anything if a student doesn't have the self-discipline to utilize them.

3. Ability/Insightfulness: 
This may very well be the single most important characteristic of a good student. The ability to think and apply is truly a lost art for today’s youth. Half of the problems students face in academics could be solved if they were to take prior knowledge and apply it in order to accomplish their goals. The remaining half of the problems could be solved if students had perceptiveness. The skill of interpretation of materials also greatly determines the quality of a student. It is imperative that students can demonstrate their understanding of information being presented by a teacher. 

4. Academic Skills: 
The ability to read extensively, to write effectively, to speak effortlessly, and to correspond clearly are ways that a good student can demonstrate levels of proficiency in any subject.  

5. Retaining Information: 
I knew a teacher that would always tell her students “Retain is the name of the Game”. Retaining information is another way of illustrating how much a student has learned vs. how much a student has memorized. Memorization is a temporary fix. Students remember enough to pass a test or to complete an assignment for a certain subject. Learning information is a permanent fix. A student can recall on prior knowledge to assist them in achieving a goal.


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